I noticed an extraordinary amount of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS / ME /Tapanui Flu - call it what you like!) amongst the JWs. Its sufferers included some who were still only in their early teens. This condition was so prevalent amongst the congregations that 5% of the circuit was affected (figures compiled in 1990)
Also, long serving "Pioneers", or others engaged in full time service , seemed to be disproportionally represented amongst those diagnosed with the condition.
Significantly, in the nearly 20 years now since I bid that bloody lot goodbye, I have not known anybody - not even one person - who is suffering from CFS.
There is still some considerable debate in the medical community as to whether CFS is a medical or psychological illness. Could it be our body's way of telling us "Please stop, I have been driven too hard for far too long without letup":
- and being a typical guilt-ridden JW whose best efforts are still never quite enough, the only tolerated excuse for easing off the accelerator pedal is a chronic illness?
PS: My wife and two teenage daughters were both incapacitated with this complaint all at the same time.